Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mandatory Opening Post

I believe that it is mandatory that all blogs have an official opening post which tells the purpose of said blog. Here's mine.

I honestly don't have any direction for this blog set out in my mind. I want an online place where I can set down my thoughts on a matter and access them from different locations. I think this blog will be a good tool because (if utilized correctly) I'll be able to see my writing strengths and weaknesses a year or more down the road. That is, I'll be able to see how my writing is progressing. Hopefully, this will help me catch certain phrases that I overuse and eliminate them from my writing (or, at least, reduce them).

Also, I think this blog will be beneficial because it will enable me to set down my thoughts at a particular moment and come back to them later. I currently do not keep any sort of writing unless it is for a grade for one of my classes. In fact, at present, I don't do very much writing unless it is for a grade. This project (which I'm tentatively starting as an every day blog, but might make it a three to four times a week blog) will enable me to have multiple samples of daily writing.

As for subjects, this blog really is about whatever I happen to be thinking of when I sit down to write. Common foreseeable topics include my family, love, religion, ethics, politics, atheism, philosophy, and books I'm reading. Of course, I may deviate from this list as I feel like it.

Comments are appreciated, but this is (currently) for myself.

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